TK-2 First time Signing into Seesaw

Hello to my favorite TK-2nd  grade teachers in the whole world!  Some of you are seasoned pros, and some of you are new to the grade level.  Welcome to all of you!

In this post, I want to remind you how your students will access Seesaw on their iPads.  I want to tell you-- - even our 4 year olds can do this. You might have to go slowly, but please. Empower them. Coach them. Help them and their families learn how to do this.  It is the whole "teach them to fish" thing, you know what I mean?

Your class will automatically be built through Clever. For some it has been, for some, automation is being. a stinker. There are a few potential reasons, and none of them are personal.  We want your class to be ready for you. Thank you for your patience and for letting your families know we appreciate their patience, too.

Steps for students

1. You will have your students go to Clever on their iPad

2. The will sign in with Clever (their 300#) OR with their Google account if you want.

3. They will tap the Seesaw button. 

This will pass them through to their account and open in Seesaw.  From then on, they can go directly to Seesaw and they will be signed in.

Looking for that page that you can print or email?  Here is it right here!


Did you see that?  QR codes were needed in the past because of shared iPads.  Home codes were needed in the past because we didn't know there was an easier alternative.  But you don't need home codes now.

Hope that helps you out! Have a fun start of the school year. I know you all will bring the joy!


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